When you own your own big rig truck, as opposed to just driving a company-owned vehicle, it’s basically owning your own business. You make the decisions and are your own boss. Though there are advantages to just being an employee sometimes, being the boss is a great feeling. Here are some of the advantages of owning your own semi and being in control.
Make Your Own Schedule
When you are the owner-operator of your own big rig, perhaps the biggest advantage is being able to make your own schedule and choose what you haul. Feel like taking off a month to go lie on the beach in Hawaii? No problem. There will be plenty of truck loads available when you return. You don’t feel like hauling hazardous materials in icy weather? You can choose a load of dog treats instead.

Choose Your Own Adventure
Does the prospect of pulling a load to Anchorage in the winter send chills up your spine? When you’re the owner-operator you can decide where to go. Instead of Alaska, maybe a run to Arizona in February is more your style. You can save those northern routes until summer if you choose. Another option is choosing the less desirable routes deliberately because they pay more. It’s completely up to you.
Express Yourself
Maybe the best thing about owning your own truck is the fact that it’s yours to customize however you like. Feel like yellow and red flames along the sides expresses your personality? How about a lot of shiny chrome and some LED ground effects? No one can tell you not to. Feel free to give your rig the custom paint job that you feel represents you best. Don’t forget the fuzzy dice, though, those are essential for everyone.
Being your own boss as an owner-operator is a great life. Whether it’s being able to choose your routes, make up your own schedule, or paint the Grim Reaper on the side of your truck, owning your own big rig is a great way to make a living hauling trailers.